Generation Church South Oceanside

"Religion Doesn't Work" || Colossians 2:6-23"

November 06, 2023
Generation Church South Oceanside
"Religion Doesn't Work" || Colossians 2:6-23"
Show Notes

The term "religion" can mean many things to many people. Some people are "religious" about never missing a workout. Some people "religiously" watch their favorite sports team. Some people are adherents to "DON'T" religions i.e. don't do this... don't do that. Some people are adherents to "DO" religious i.e. do more of this... do more of that. Some people are a combination of all of the above, but all humans seem to be "religious" in some way whether they think they are or not.As we continue our look at the letter to the Colossian Church we see Paul make an emphatic case that... religion (however you define it) doesn't work. That sounds like a shocking statement coming from a man like Paul but he knew better than anyone that religion can't change a person. Paul knew true change doesn't happen outside-in... it can only happen inside-out. Religious behavior modification may seem to "work" but God isn't just about new behaviors, He is about new hearts that produce new behaviors. So what does "work"? How do people get "new hearts"? How can we avoid the trappings of religion and enter into the blessings of the Gospel? That is our focus for this Sunday as we finish out chapter 2. Join us as we explore these things together!

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