Generation Church South Oceanside

"The Blessed Way" || Psalms 1 || Tim Parlier

January 29, 2024
Generation Church South Oceanside
"The Blessed Way" || Psalms 1 || Tim Parlier
Show Notes

The Psalms are the "prayerbook" or "songbook" of the Bible and this Sunday we start off looking deeply at Psalm 1... shocker right? Psalm 1 & 2 are unique to the other 148 Psalms... in many ways Psalm 1 serves as a lens with which we can approach the rest of the Psalter. Specifically, Psalm 1 lays out the Way to a Blessed Life or the type of person who lives a blessed life. I like that sound of that! Blessed Life? Who doesn't want that? How do we get that? Or how do we get more of a blessed life? The Psalmist shows us there is a way to the blessed life and we are excited to unpack that with you!