Generation Church South Oceanside
The official podcast of Generation Church of South O, where you can find Sunday sermon audio and other gospel centered teachings, trainings, and encouragements. Our Mission is to lead people into healthy relationships with Jesus and each other. #SouthOchurch
Generation Church South Oceanside
"Gospel Intentionality" || P.I.E.R. Creating a Gospel Culture || Tim Parlier
In part 2 of our new series we dig into the second letter in our P.I.E.R. Culture acronym. "I" for Intentional. A culture of intentionality is a beautiful thing. Intentionality might be one of the most accurate words to describe the character of Jesus. He was anything but flippant, accidental or flaky! So it should be no surprise to us that when He inhabits a people they become intentional people! So what does Intentionality act like and feel like? Why should we be intentional? How do we grow or find the strength to be intentional in our service to others? This is what we get to dive into as we study the story of Jesus washing feet in John chapter 13. Jump in as we continue to build Gospel Culture as the church in everything we do and everywhere we go!