Generation Church South Oceanside
The official podcast of Generation Church of South O, where you can find Sunday sermon audio and other gospel centered teachings, trainings, and encouragements. Our Mission is to lead people into healthy relationships with Jesus and each other. #SouthOchurch
Generation Church South Oceanside
"Hold On!" | Mark 1:1-8 | Tim Parlier
There are countless societal problems in 2024 and they appropriately can create a lot of angst in us. But it's safe to say our issues as Americans pale in comparison to the issues of the first Christian readers of Mark's Gospel. This was a time when people (specifically Christians) were being burned alive and fed to wild animals. Under such horrific circumstances what would Mark write to start his gospel account? What would he take the opportunity to say to encourage these troubled brothers and sisters? What would the Holy Spirit inspire to meet them where they were at? If you or any of your friends are feeling discouraged or overwhelmed in any way, join us this Sunday! There is Good News for you awaiting!
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