Generation Church South Oceanside
The official podcast of Generation Church of South O, where you can find Sunday sermon audio and other gospel centered teachings, trainings, and encouragements. Our Mission is to lead people into healthy relationships with Jesus and each other. #SouthOchurch
Generation Church South Oceanside
"Executing the Game Plan" | Mark 4:21-34 | Tim Parlier
Welcome to Generation Church!
What do we do with 2000 year old parables of Jesus talking about seeds, and lamps, and old testament references about the prophet Isaiah? Glad you asked! This Sunday we look at how Jesus used these parables (stories) to prepare His team for the journey ahead. It's hard to understand at times how God is working and moving in the world. But Jesus gives us insights by telling us these parables. I have found these uniquely encouraging and accurate as I seek to invest in other people's lives spiritually and I hope you will too! Often... the impact we're having is significantly bigger than we could ever imagine. Can't wait to worship and dive into God's word together with you this Sunday!
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