Generation Church South Oceanside
The official podcast of Generation Church of South O, where you can find Sunday sermon audio and other gospel centered teachings, trainings, and encouragements. Our Mission is to lead people into healthy relationships with Jesus and each other. #SouthOchurch
Generation Church South Oceanside
"Double-Crossed" | Matt Carlson
Many of us live with a shrink-wrapped view of the gospel. Sure, at salvation it was the GREATEST news ever, but over time we lost sight of just how incredible God's grace is and continues to be. We slipped into the performance trap of trying to become something we already are in Christ. Our joy is gone and we wonder what happened. What if the good news of the gospel is far better than we realize? Jesus said the truth would set us free. Let's take Him at His word. Let's dive into some amazing truths that are already true about every Christian right now so that we can walk in freedom!
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