Generation Church South Oceanside
The official podcast of Generation Church of South O, where you can find Sunday sermon audio and other gospel centered teachings, trainings, and encouragements. Our Mission is to lead people into healthy relationships with Jesus and each other. #SouthOchurch
Generation Church South Oceanside
"Truth Over Tradition" | Mark 7:1-23 | Matt Carlson
Welcome to Generation Church!
Ever feel like you’re constantly being measured—by others, by yourself, even by the church? The unspoken rules. The scorecards. The pressure to prove you’re “doing it right.” Turns out, this isn’t new.
In Mark 7, Jesus goes head-to-head with the religious scorekeepers of His day, exposing the problem with man-made traditions: they look holy but miss the heart. The real issue isn’t what’s on the outside—it’s what’s inside. And no amount of rule-keeping can fix that.
But here’s the good news: Jesus didn’t come to hand us another checklist. He came to set us free. Free from the weight of trying to measure up. Free to live from a new heart—one that He gives, not one we earn.
So the question is: Are you holding onto tradition…or Truth?
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